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Asker Meadows Management Plan







A Revised Management Plan


Asker Meadows is a much loved and much used green space close to the heart of Bridport. The Meadows together with the area known as New Zealand provide much needed green spaces; for wildlife, for a range of community events, for  walkers and their dogs and for a Sustrans route for cyclists. Over the last 5 years the Town Council working with the Asker Meadows Nature Reserve Group have undertaken a number of practical improvements driven by the management plan covering 2019- 2025.

Asker Meadows Management Plan


Asker Meadows Management Plan 2025-30

During 2024 Bridport Town Council will be working with the Asker Meadows Local Nature Reserve Group to undertake a review of the 2019-2025 management plan. We have set up a Task and Finish Group to include site users, local and regional specialists and town councillors to oversee the management plan review. The review will involve collecting data on site condition as well as public consultations to find out what residents, dog walkers and other site users think about the management of the area and identify improvements.

A consultation postcard will be distributed to users around the site during July and August. You can use the postcard to give us feedback or email any comments to: [email protected]

A draft of the revised management plan will be made available for public comment in the autumn 2024.

The  2019 – 2025 management plan sets out a vision for the site as:

An area rich in wildlife, enjoyed by local people for informal recreation”.

The main objectives of the plan are to:

    • Maintain and enhance the grazing meadows for their wildlife interests.
    • Safeguard wildlife interest along the river corridor, including non- intervention/sanctuary areas.
    • Undertake tree planting and hedge management to provide wildlife interest and structure.
    • Maintain surfaced paths as shared spaces for walkers and cyclists.
    • Run education events to promote awareness and appreciation of wildlife and encourage responsible behaviours.
    • Create seating/ picnic areas to encourage people to enjoy and get to know the area.
    • Manage the Show Field for a select number of community events.

The Management Plan provides a 5 year action plan that will guide future maintenance of the reserve as well as outlining new practical improvements. The Plan will be the basis for grant and funding applications to support practical activities.








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