Restart a Heart, Litter, NHS, Drawing, Young Film-makers, TEDx and Calendar Boys!
On Saturday 16 October, an alliance of partners all over the world (including UK Ambulance Services, Universities, and other charitable and public sector community-based organisations and first aid training organisations) came together to increase public awareness of cardiac arrests and increase the number of people trained in life saving CPR. They do this by organising and facilitating training events and also by providing opportunities for people to learn CPR digitally in the safety and comfort of their own home.
Here in Bridport, the local St John Ambulance was on Bucky Doo Square throughout the day to spread the word about the importance of being able to provide CPR. Survival rates from out of hospital cardiac arrest remain stubbornly low in the UK, with fewer than one in ten people surviving. That statistic alone reinforces the importance of being able to provide someone suffering a cardiac arrest with CPR.
I went along to find out more and met Kevin L Chappuis OStJ. FRSPH. Interim District Manager Dorset District – South West Region, and members of St Johns including Ollie Beale, the Lord Lieutenants Cadet.
Needless to say it was not long before I found my self on my knees being given instructions on how to deliver CPR. It is some years since I last attended a First Aid course and those five minutes were a timely reminder of what to do. I was particularly interested to learn that giving rescue breaths is no longer a compulsory part of the process and ‘Nellie the Elephant’ has been replaced by the Bee Gee’s ‘Stayin’ Alive’ as the song by which you pace your chest compressions. Whilst I was there I was pleased to see people of all ages finding out more and having a go at giving CPR.

The increasing availability of Defibrillators means that by using these simple to use machines before an ambulance arrives, you can significantly increase someone’s chance of survival. According to the British Heart Foundation website I have 10 public defibrillators within a 5 minute drive of my home located as follows:
- AJ Supplies – Public
- Bothenhampton Village Hall – Public
- Bridport Tourist Information – Public
- Groves Garden Centre – Public
- Hyde Real Tennis Club – Restricted hours only
- Palmers Brewery – Restricted hours only
- St Mary’s Park Run – Saturdays only
- Unit 1 The Old School – Public
- Waitrose – Public
- Walditch Village Hall – Public
Do you know of any more? Do we need more? Where should they be located?
I was also interested to learn that since the recent change in the law on organ donations it is important to carry on giving chest compressions even if there is no response from the casualty. Maintaining blood flow through vital organs will mean that they are potentially available for transplant.
On 20 May 2020, the law around organ donation in England was changed to allow more people to save more lives. Now that the law has changed, it will be considered that you agree to become an organ donor when you die, if:
- you are over 18;
- you have not opted out;
- you are not in an excluded group.
You still have a choice whether or not you want to become an organ donor, and can register or amend your decision at any time.
The video below is a great summary of the key things we should all know and be capable of carrying out.
FROM STREET TO SEA 4 – Bridport’s Mass Litter Pick
Bridport’s mass litter pick ’From Street to Sea 4’ took place on Sunday morning. Once again the Bridport Litter Free Street Champions were joined by the West Bay Beach Clean Group and numerous other volunteers to tackle the items that have been thoughtlessly discarded by others on our streets, in our rivers, on our open spaces and beaches.
Pickers gathered at 10.00am at Morrisons, the Co-op, the Watch House Cafe and the black shelter on the pier to get ready and clean up. Fast food packaging, fizzy drinks and alcohol cans and bottles made up the majority of the litter found but as always there were a number of surprising and some shocking items removed as well.
Bicycle wheels with almost new tyres and a couple of aluminium fencing props were amongst the surprising items found. Used nappies and a syringe and needle were amongst the more shocking items collected and disposed of safely.

By the end of the session at 11.30, the piles of rubbish at each site had grown considerably and some of our streets, beaches and green spaces were considerably cleaner.
Did you know that the vast majority of cigarette butts are single-use plastic and contain hundreds of toxic chemicals once smoked. Littered cigarette filters can persist in the environment for many years and release these chemicals to air, land and water, harming plant growth and wildlife. If you are a smoker please dispose of your cigarette butt where it will not degrade and add to the mountains of micro plastics already blighting our rivers and oceans.
To become a Bridport Litter Free Street Champion contact [email protected]
On Sunday evening I attended a service for the NHS at St Mary’s Church, South Street.
It was not long ago that we were all on our doorsteps on a Thursday evening clapping for the NHS. Since then the mood has changed and more often than not I hear people complaining about the NHS. The covid pandemic put the NHS under enormous pressure and we are living with the results of that today in the form of long waiting lists for treatment. Inevitably in a situation such as the one the NHS finds itself in, very difficult decisions are having to be made on a daily basis as to who should receive treatment. Deciding who should take priority on the basis of their particular condition and circumstances is an impossible task to get right and one which will inevitably frustrate and disappoint many on the waiting list.
That said we know that doctors, nurses, and support staff, and those working in the social care sector are all giving their best, indeed I would go so far as to say they are going over and above on a daily basis to care for the patients they see before them. Without their hard work and dedication where would we be?
A group of artists who are all passionate about getting people making art are offering a day long Play with All Things Drawing for Everyone at Bridport Youth Centre. This fantastic event is also fundraiser for the Youth Centre.

On the day there is something for all ages – from 2yrs all the way up to grown-ups and wizards and all abilities.
Children under 10 years must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times.
Adults, you do not need a child with you to be allowed to join in; just come along and get stuck in and let your creative juices loose.
It is a drop-in event, no booking required. Entry by donation, please be generous!
There will be activities going on all day as well as a series of workshops:
- 10.30 – 11.30 ‘My Beautiful World’ – charcoal and imagination drawing with Veronica Hudson (Age 5yrs – Adult)
- 11.00 – 12.00 ‘Exquisite Monster Collage’ with Jodie House (Age 4yrs – Adult)
- 12.00 – 01.00 ’Drawing Without Hands’ with Angie Porter(any age)
- 12.30 – 01.30 ‘Collaborative Concertina Sketchbooks’ with Claudia Dharamshi (Age 4 yrs to adult)
- 01.30 – 02.30 ‘Infinity Drawing’ with Claire Nuttall Claire Nuttall (any age)
All Day
- ‘Flying Drawing’ with Jo Burlington – Oops Wow,
- ‘Scribble Play Zone’ for tiny people,
- ‘Creative Card Making’ courtesy of Bridport Community Shed (any age)
The workshops will be running in 2 different areas; they will run for approximately 1 hour each. You will have to choose which workshops you want to join in with, as they will be running simultaneously. All times are approximate, and things may change, keep an eye on the OopsWow website for the latest information.
A reminder that this is a fundraising event for Bridport Youth Club. All of the artists are giving their time and magic for free. Please donate what you can.
Get in touch with Jo Burlington if you would like more information
I wanted to let you know about a “Celebrating South West Film Makers” event that the film society are sponsoring at Bridport Art Centre on 1 Nov.

The programme comprises a brilliant main feature, Bait from Cornwall (not yet shown in Bridport) and six equally brilliant short local films (also, not yet shown on a big screen in Bridport) either made by local young film makers (5 films) or starring a local young actor and filmed here (1 film).
Many of the film makers will attend the event, and it will also be a fund raiser for an exciting new young film maker’s group, BACScreen based at the Arts Centre. This will be modelled on the highly successful, BACStage young theatre group. I am really excited by this iniative which will enably the Spielberg’s of the future to gain a supported first step on the ladder.
The team at TEDx Bridport hopes to uncover the voices that are quietly making big differences and share those ideas and innovations with you. To that effect Bridport Arts Centre was packed on Tuesday afternoon for the first TEDx Bridport event entitled ‘Outstanding in Their Field’.
The five speakers all spoke passionately about each topics and the audience left buzzing positively ready to share what they had heard with a wider audience. Very inspiring.

- Matt Smith – Chief “Waffler”, Waffle House, Axminster
- Anna Legrand – Living Well Dying Well
- Jyoti Fernandes – Fivepenny Farm & Land Workers Alliance
- Nick Goldsmith – Bank of Dreams & Nightmares
- Alison Lepper MBE – The Drug of ART
Sadly I have not been able to find a link to a recording of the event so keep an eye open for future TEDx Bridport events if you would like to be part of the audience.
The Hive Beach Calendar 2023 has been created to support Prostate Cancer UK (Registered charity number – 1005541).
The male chefs (as its in aid of prostate cancer) have posed ‘artistically’ for a nude calendar! The intention is to sell these in as many places as possible to spread awareness and to raise as much money as possible.
Sadly, I don’t have a preview image to share with you so will have to go along to their stand in Bucky Doo Square on Saturday 12 November for a sneaky peek and grab your stocking filler copy in support a great cause.
South Street Antiques – South Street Bridport
Businesses working with or supplying: Footeprints, RKL Tools, Bridport Art Shop,
Bridport Street Market, Bridport Auction House, Bellas and more.
South Street Sally – South Street Bridport
Businesses working with or supplying: RKL Tools, Framptons, Morrish and Banham,
Naturalife, Chilli, Bellas, Cafe Bean, Soulshine, Cilla and Camilla, Beppinos, Woodman, Malabar Trading, Harvey Anderson, Smith and Smith, Pursuit of Hoppiness. Hawa Barber, Livingstone Textiles, South St Antiques and more.
RKL Tools -South Street
Businesses working with or supplying: Fruits of the Earth, Bridget’s Market, Refresh,
Framptons, Tortilla Cantina, Bridport Music, DD Computers and more.