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The Local Council Joint Committee oversaw the preparation of the Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan, which was led by a Steering Group of community representatives. The Joint Councils Committee (JCC) includes representatives from all the participating councils: Allington, Bridport, Bothenhampton and Walditch, Bradpole and Symondsbury.

The JCC will continue to work alongside the BANP Steering Group to:

  • Monitor use of BANP Policies in the planning process,
  • Monitor project implementation,
  • Authorise all expenditure in relation to the Plan and be the accountable body.

The  JCC and Steering Group also provide a forum for discussion of issues affecting the Neighbourhood Plan and undertake any reviews of the BANP for consideration for each council.

Meetings of the BANP Joint Councils Committee:

Archived minutes can be found on this page.

Meetings of the BANP Steering Group


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