Connecting Foundry Lea Development to the Centre of Bridport – Draft Report for Comment
Following consideration of the Bridport Access & Movement Study – https://www.bridport-tc.gov.uk/access-and-movement-study-2/
Bridport Town Council agreed to commission an additional work from Streets Re-imagined and Highgate Transportation to consider options for walking and cycling connections between the Foundry Lea development and the centre of Bridport. The Town Council are keen to ensure that walking and cycling are the ‘natural choices’ for journeys to and from the Town Centre.
The commission aims to:
• Review & Analysis of Vearse Farm’s Design and Access Statement, Streetscape
Proposals and Design Codes (with reference to Manual for Streets, DfT’s Gear
Change and LTN 1/20 Cycle Infrastructure Design) and land ownership
• A spatial and movement analysis centred on Western Bridport (covering
existing townscape and proposed development at Vearse Farm) with a focus on
the potential opportunities for improving walking and cycling connections
to/from the proposed development at Vearse Farm and the town.
The draft report is being made available for comment from a range of stakeholders.
Comments should be sent to: [email protected]
Deadline for comments is SEPTEMBER 27th 2021
All comments will be appraised and a final report produced and submitted to the Town Council Planning Committee for approval in October.