Mayor’s Blog 134
This week: Kipps, Bridport Community Kitchen, Antisocial behaviour, Bridport Connect Garden, Bridport Learners Hub.
On Friday we were invited to the Electric Palace to see the latest production of Kipps put on by the award winning Bridport Musical Theatre Company. What a wonderful evening it was. The acting, music, singing, dancing and costumes were delightful and although all of the cast were obviously very talented and threw themselves into the production I must admit Harvey Causley who played the Lead role of Arthur Kipps stole the show for me.
The show has had rave reviews that have been widely posted this week and we are so fortunate to have such local talent and a wonderful venue in the Electric Palace for them to stage such spellbinding productions. A big thank you for a great Friday night’s entertainment.
For more information : https://bmtc.blog/
Bridport Community Kitchen
This week I popped in to see Simon Batorski who runs Bridport Community Kitchen at the Beacon Church, Priory Lane in Bridport, one of my two charities for 2023. The Kitchen is held every Wednesday and Friday and shortly they will be reintroducing Thursdays in time for the demands during the colder months. They offer free homemade soup, meals, tea/coffee and cakes in a warm and safe environment with an opportunity to chat and try some craft activities.
Simon told me that they are now helping more people than ever and are providing around 60 meals a week for those who are in need of support. They are gearing up for the Autumn / Winter demands and unfortunately they are out of stock of the tents that they provide to give temporary shelter to the Homeless people who visit the Kitchen and have nowhere to stay. Simon is in constant contact with Julian’s House who also offer support and contact so that no one falls off the radar.
If anyone has a 1 or 2 person tent in good condition that they no longer want or prepared to donate then please contact myself or Simon Batorski in the first instance. The Kitchen relies on grants and donations and is staffed entirely by volunteers so please help if you can.
Violence and criminal damage in Bridport
After a wonderful week of celebrations in Bridport it is rather sobering that we seem to have had a violent assault in the Town closely followed by a Parish Council notice board being deliberately set on fire. Although these two events are extreme for Bridport it is a reminder that no Town is immune from antisocial behaviour and unfortunately it seems that even in Bridport, where so much good happens daily, not everyone is prepared to live in harmony and respect other people and property.
The two events are matters for the Police but seem to have taken place in the early hours of the morning and as far as the violence is concerned I am horrified at this shocking news and I can’t believe this has happened in Bridport. I do not have any details other than those already reported in the newspapers but I hope the Police will soon be in a position to reassure the general public that the streets are still safe in Bridport despite this serious assault. My thoughts are with the person that was attacked and I hope he will soon recover from his injuries. I am sure the people of Bridport wishes him well and trust that the assailant will soon be caught and brought to justice.
As for the damaged noticeboard in Pasture Way, Bridport Town Council have the matter of a replacement in hand and will be removing the damaged one shortly and installing a temporary noticeboard within a week. If this was “Arson” as I am now hearing then it would be helpful if anyone who has information on those involved could let the Police know.
Bridport Connect
Today we had the pleasure of visiting Bridport Connect Summer Festival and officially opening their new Garden Area.
Bridport Connect is part of Care Dorset and are a much needed Day Centre based at St. Andrews Road in Bridport. They give support to their Guests, families and Carers and offer a wide range of activities both indoor and outdoor when possible.
The mental and physical benefits of being outdoors and in the fresh air are well known and I have no doubt that the new Garden Area that will be supporting their outdoor growing space will prove to be an asset.
Bridport Learning Hub
And finally details of a very exciting and important project being proposed by Bridport Town Council.
Please see the media release below:
Investing in Skills for the Future – Bridport Learning Hub
“Young people in seaside towns are being let down and left behind by poor standards in existing provision, limited access to educational institutions and a lack of employment opportunities, resulting in low levels of aspiration. Partnership work between schools, FE and HE institutions, and local business and industry will be vital in helping to create career paths, improve local skills levels and boost local economies.”
HOUSE OF LORDS Select Committee on Regenerating Seaside Towns and Communities HL Paper 320 Report of Session 2017–19 The future of seaside towns.
Bridport Town Council has published the final report from a six-month research and development project that explores the need for investment in skills for the future. The final report sets out a detailed proposition for a ‘learning hub’ in Bridport, whose aim is to encourage and enable people of all ages in the local area to find the training or education that’s right for them. It also outlines a vision for a specialist college that could be developed for Bridport.
The final report:
• Communicates the proposal to all interested parties,
• Sets out the resources required as well as the expected return on investment for those who might support or fund the Hub,
• Gathers in one place the detail required for those carrying forward the development of the Learners hub.
A consortia of Bridport businesses will be coming together over the autumn to work with Dorset Council and regional training providers to secure funding to pilot the Bridport Learners hub and support development of specialist skills in the area.
Bridport Town Council wishes to thank the Design Exchange Partnership for the funding to research and design the Bridport Learners Hub and to the UAL Research Team that worked on the project.
For more information contact: [email protected]
Further details are on the Town Council Website