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Bridport West Street 2023

Mayor’s Blog 123

Lots of “B”s this week: Bikes, Bins, Bees, Bee Friendly Bridport, Bridport Chamber Orchestra,Ian Bark kindly helped out this week due to my full diary and he has contributed two items for the Blog atthe end. The Great Big Green…

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Climate Action Plan Under Review

It has been four years since Bridport Town Council published its Climate Emergency Action Plan. At the Climate Action Sub Committee meeting on 25th May 2023, Councillors agreed to undertake a rapid review of actions against the plan and invite…

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Community Governance Review

Please click here to view the leaflet regarding the Community Governance Review. There is an online survey seeking your thoughts on how Bridport Town Council should operate after 2024:

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How Well Do You Know Your Bridport Heritage?

Bridport Town Council HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR BRIDPORT HERITAGE? Putting the Bridport Streetscapes & Heritage Interpretation Study into Action, Summer 2023. Media Release Bridport Town Council has opened a consultation on 3 new heritage walking routes and asking…

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